Life Teaches..

Life always has lessons reserved for us as every hour passes by. So, there is a need to be sensitive to hear its schooling, you just might never come across such messages. And often times, such messages are just for you, and few times you share with others (just like i'm sharing with you). Enjoy...

Saturday 25 January 2014

Say With Me...

He showed me,
It’s a beautiful place that lies ahead,
He  said I could and I can get there,
I’ve seen me at that point,
But how do I get there?
It’s huge, it’s massive…, it’s amazing,
But as beautiful as that point looks,
As amazing as it is,
It’s path is rough,
It’s really daring to get there,
It’s path isn’t safe,
Neither is it politic nor popular,
It’s just …… right.
But when I get to a point when it seems like I’m left alone…,
What then? What happens?
Will I keep going or will I turn back?

Couldn’t someone else do it?
But why I do I feel like if I don’t do it, I’ve failed?
Is this the essence?
Was this why I was made?

Okay, I’ll try.
Oooh, but the test is much…
The stones are piercing…
My feet are hurting…
It’s dry, I’m feeling faint already.
How can I make it there?
Who do I need?
What else can I get?
Wait a minute!!!
I just saw the White Dragon bush,
Just perfect for making tea…
Right on time.
Oh no! oh no! oh no!
It’s the White Jade Bush,
It’s the poisonous plant..
Many things appearing good but just deceptive,
Is this what I’ll have to live through?
Look, get someone else

The weary traveler, faced with difficulties and deception, kept thinking… just about letting go; just about to pack his bags and work away.

But a thought came…
The one whom they call ‘Christ Jesus’ did it.
He didn’t have to, but he did
He would have asked someone else in his place,
Yeah…but he didn’t.
He was tempted.., He cried…,
He was spat on,
He was beaten by his own creation,
He was also thristy..,
And He even died,
But what a glory the day He rose,
He conquered,
He won.
And hey, He went through all that not for Himself,
But some creature made of dust they call ‘man’,
What a guy!..

But the path He threaded wasn’t less tough, it’s even more,
And If he went through it,
Then I can go through mine.
The Supreme one told me that He would be with me,
He even said, “He lives in me”.
Greater is He that is in me, than anything out there.
I know I can trust him,
So, I say “Amen” to this task.
Not my will, but His…
I don’t understand it, but “Amen”,
I don’t know how to get there…but “Amen”,
In the good times…”Amen”,
In the bad times…”Amen”.
Are there others saying “Amen” to theirs as well?

You might have fallen off several times,
But hey! can do this,
Don’t throw in the towel,
Let’s run,
Run not in your power nor might,
But by God’s spirit, and Grace.
Please say “Amen".

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