Life Teaches..

Life always has lessons reserved for us as every hour passes by. So, there is a need to be sensitive to hear its schooling, you just might never come across such messages. And often times, such messages are just for you, and few times you share with others (just like i'm sharing with you). Enjoy...

Tuesday 3 September 2013


I speak life; you’re going to live
I speak life; you’re the head
You will prevail
Don’t give up the fight; fight for your life
I speak life to you- NIGERIA
You shall live
Despite the upheavals; despite the crisis; despite the fights and the killings; despite the corruption; despite immorality and insanity… Nigeria… I’ll always pray for you.
I know you’ll live through these…, I know you’re strong; you can fight this.
If Europeans’ scramble for you didn’t kill you; if colonialism/slavery wasn’t able to finish you; if the civil war couldn’t pull you down; if so many riots and crisis and division couldn’t bury you…then, I believe you will stand.
So many have tired shutting you up; so many have tried breaking you; so many have tried leading you astray; so many have cursed you. They’ve tried so hard using kidnappings, bomb blasts, ill-leadership, so many unimaginable measures…, but I know you’ll stand strong. I know you fight through this.
Nigeria, you have a reason not to give up; so many of your youths still believe in you and are ready to fight with you. Some fight with spoken words, some written words, some with music, some with their positions…they are all fighting. Introducing to you a prolific song writer; he is Aellay. He is advocating for a peaceful Nigeria. He’s recent work is titled “Make Naija Peaceful”; I read the lyrics of this song, and I’m urging us all to keep praying and fighting for Nigeria (in the right way of course) with whatever we have been endowed with.
 I also want to urge us to get his song via You can also follow him via twitter: @aellay25 and facebook: Babajide IAellay. Lets encourage everyone fighting for the good of Nigeria.
And most importantly, follow God via J.E.S.U.S; He alone can bring healing to your life and healing to Nigeria.
Live Nigeria, Live…