Life Teaches..

Life always has lessons reserved for us as every hour passes by. So, there is a need to be sensitive to hear its schooling, you just might never come across such messages. And often times, such messages are just for you, and few times you share with others (just like i'm sharing with you). Enjoy...

Monday 26 August 2013

Father and Child


CHILD: Dear Lord, are You there listening to my little prayer? I don't know exactly what to say.
I've been told that You love me, that you will hear when I call and would help me when I fall, that I should let You have Your way.
Father, what I guess I'm trying to say is that I need You in my life because I know I'm tired of living in the past.
I would like to take a chance on a change down deep inside. I believe that Yours is one that's going to last.

So here's my heart Father; it's been broken, It's been wounded, but I'll give it all to You if You would love me. And here's my life, if You want it, You can have it. I will give it all to You because You love me. Your love is everything I need. 
FATHER: Dear Child, I'm right here. Through your worries, through your fears. I've been waiting for you to call My name. You know that I'll hear you if you turn to Me, and trust my word, it's true you will never be the same.
I'm standing here to say that you need Me in your life because I know that you can't make it on your own. If you would take that chance, let Me change you deep inside, I promise you will never be alone. My love is everything you need.

You can turn to me and know that I am always standing by. I gave it all for you, so you could have this gentle peace inside.

CHILD: I will follow you cause I believe in everything you are.

FATHER: I am your father 

CHILD: You are my Savior

FATHER: And in the matters of the heart, I am taking yours and you are taking mine.

CHILD: And in the matters of the heart, I am taking yours and you are taking mine.

This is a piece i got from a music I've always enjoyed listening to (Out Of Eden- Here is my heart). For me, its simply an amazing prayer that gives me a glimpse of how much God loves me. why don't you pour out your heart to God in prayer me, you'll find peace for your soul. Love you.